New theme

Found this cool theme last night while looking around, and I decided that I would give it a try. It’s called ‘Atmospheric Augmentation’ created by The Search Engine Guys, LLC. After installing the theme and playing around with the widgets, I liked the look of it, but there were a few things I wanted to change. The main one being the Pages list on the left hand side. So I decided to try out the editor and see if I could change it myself. I started by searching through each of the templates for the word Pages, then changing the word, refreshing my blog and seeing if the part I wanted to work on changed.

When I found it, it was easy to get rid of it. Then I had to find out how to insert what I wanted to replace it with. That involved more searching through the templates, only this time I was unsuccessful. So I then turned to Google and searched for the code I needed. I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for, but I found enough to get it figured out.

There are still a few things I want to change, like the font colour of the number of posts in each category, and the calendar, but those are going to require more searching.


*UPDATE Aug 02 2011*

I was able to find out where the text colour for the number of posts in a category is set. I ended up using Chrome’s built in Inspect Element function to find it. Then I was able to fin d what file I needed to change, and even the line to change. Once I found an online colour chart with the codes for each colour, I just played around until I found one that I could see, but still fit in with the theme. I also got rid of the calendar, as I didn’t really like it at all. I might bring it back later, and figure out how to change the colours on it.





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